Well that was an awesome mid season finale review and then some. It had me geeking out from start to finish because of Tina McGee, Fiestorm and the Reverse-Flash. Not to mention the storyline implications with Iris. Catlin seems to be getting her own storyline independent of Barry.
Amanda Pays returning to Flash lore was great even as the same character name as she played in the 90s Flash series. In this version she was working for a rival to Star Labs. Like pretty much every guest star on the show she was questioning Harrison Wells motives and for good reason That said her scenes felt stall because Barry was asking for some equipment.
It seems like Firestorm has just been hanging out at the Star Labs parking garage since the particle accelarator blew. I like how Catlin went to Cisco right away for help. Now these two have something to do that does not involve Barry. As for the last scene with Firestorm perhaps he felt Catlin was in trouble causing him to inadvertently save Barry. Thing are going to get crazy with Firestorm.
The Reverse-Flash looked great my only complaint with is red eyes when the same color was on the previous villian why not yellow to mix it up. That being said him taunting Barry was awesome knowing full well that Barry could not catch him. Also the Reverse-Flash kicking Barry's ass just proves how much The Flash still needs to learn. Presenting him as faceless was interesting way trying to leave it open ended as who could be this guy(though the final scene seems to imply the most obvious answer.)
Iris staying slient as Barry confess his feeling for her was perfect. She could not figure it out before so how would she respond. Did Catlin and Iris have a scene together before this episode much like Eddie Thawne and Wells. During both of those scenes I was like do you two know each other yet. All series long I have been waiting for Joe West to tells Wells his partner name to she his reaction.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Going rogue
So, Captain Cold has appeared on the Flash TV show and it was awesome. Played by "Prison Break" Wentworth Miller we see he already has a set of rules that are akin to him leading the Rogues in the comics. Cold's motive throughout the episode was upping his game after the first encounter with The Flash to get a diamond. My favorite moment was when Cold and the Flash were on the train. The hood was up so he really did look like Captain Cold
Now Felicity Smoak was the one that stole the show by giving The Flash and his team pep talks when times were tough in the episode. Barry ultimately needs to learn he can't save everyone and when that happens not to get down. The Flash team lesson was when Barry is upset with them they still need to back him up . Her hacking in under one minute was cool. She must have been thinking to herself "What amauters?" So overall The Flash and his team needs to function as one complete unit always to end the danger
Cisco Roman drew Barry's ire beccause he created the Cold gun that was stolen and delivered to Leonard Snart(Cold's identity) I swear Harrison Wells really wanted to kill Cisco but with the quest stars and Cisco' actually having a purpose in the DC universe. I just hope Cisco got a creepy vibe(LOL!) from Wellls. Cisco did redeem himself even though it was a joke at the end of the scene.
It was a nice change of pace to see someone else in the end credit scene besides Wells. It does make sense with what we know is upcoming. The scene before that one was arkward because they were talking about having feelings for other people.
Now Felicity Smoak was the one that stole the show by giving The Flash and his team pep talks when times were tough in the episode. Barry ultimately needs to learn he can't save everyone and when that happens not to get down. The Flash team lesson was when Barry is upset with them they still need to back him up . Her hacking in under one minute was cool. She must have been thinking to herself "What amauters?" So overall The Flash and his team needs to function as one complete unit always to end the danger
Cisco Roman drew Barry's ire beccause he created the Cold gun that was stolen and delivered to Leonard Snart(Cold's identity) I swear Harrison Wells really wanted to kill Cisco but with the quest stars and Cisco' actually having a purpose in the DC universe. I just hope Cisco got a creepy vibe(LOL!) from Wellls. Cisco did redeem himself even though it was a joke at the end of the scene.
It was a nice change of pace to see someone else in the end credit scene besides Wells. It does make sense with what we know is upcoming. The scene before that one was arkward because they were talking about having feelings for other people.
Friday, October 17, 2014
The Flash TV show
Okay so we are two episodes in The Flash TV show on the CW network with Grant Gustin in the title role of Barry Allen /The Flash and its great.
Probably the biggest surprise of the plot was that Detective Joe West played by the fantastic Jessie L. Martin(I watch Law & Order reruns) the one who has raised Barry since his father has been in prison, learned of Barry's secret that soon. Another pleasant surprise was the villain, Weather Wizard, because this was someone not touched on in the 90's Flash TV series. The only drawback of the episode was Weather Wizard using a gun. The scene with Gustin and John Wesley Shipp was so emotionally touching. From one actor to another it was like I pass the mantle of The Flash to you. We also discover that Harrison Wells has secrets of his own..
The second episode focused on the Barry Allen/Joe West relationship with Joe at first telling Barry he isn't a cop so lay low Now there are even more secrets on the show with Iris West Joe's daughter/Barry's love interest, even though grew up like brother and sister, dating her dad's partner Eddie THAWNE. So right off the bat we are not supposed to like this guy given the Allen/Thawne fued in the future. Plus Zoom real name is Eobard which can easily translate to Eddie but that would not provide many plot twists. I mean Barry could just pull Joe and Iris aside and spill both secrets but that seems too easy.
Back to Joe and Barry so as Joe is fighting the villain of the week called Multiplex(who I confused for Mob Rule) Joe after a talk with the creepy Harrison Wells about doubting Barry. In other words there are some things that only Barry can handle but you need to give him the confidence to do so.
Now about Harrison Wells its already obvious he will be someone else and after committing murder in The Flash's name. I predict he will some version of Zoom.
Probably the biggest surprise of the plot was that Detective Joe West played by the fantastic Jessie L. Martin(I watch Law & Order reruns) the one who has raised Barry since his father has been in prison, learned of Barry's secret that soon. Another pleasant surprise was the villain, Weather Wizard, because this was someone not touched on in the 90's Flash TV series. The only drawback of the episode was Weather Wizard using a gun. The scene with Gustin and John Wesley Shipp was so emotionally touching. From one actor to another it was like I pass the mantle of The Flash to you. We also discover that Harrison Wells has secrets of his own..
The second episode focused on the Barry Allen/Joe West relationship with Joe at first telling Barry he isn't a cop so lay low Now there are even more secrets on the show with Iris West Joe's daughter/Barry's love interest, even though grew up like brother and sister, dating her dad's partner Eddie THAWNE. So right off the bat we are not supposed to like this guy given the Allen/Thawne fued in the future. Plus Zoom real name is Eobard which can easily translate to Eddie but that would not provide many plot twists. I mean Barry could just pull Joe and Iris aside and spill both secrets but that seems too easy.
Back to Joe and Barry so as Joe is fighting the villain of the week called Multiplex(who I confused for Mob Rule) Joe after a talk with the creepy Harrison Wells about doubting Barry. In other words there are some things that only Barry can handle but you need to give him the confidence to do so.
Now about Harrison Wells its already obvious he will be someone else and after committing murder in The Flash's name. I predict he will some version of Zoom.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Flash #23
Flash #23
Co-writers : Francis Manapul & Brian Buccellato
Art: Manapul
Colors & Cover: Buccellato
Letterer: Carlos M. Mangual
Associate Editor: Harvey RIchards
Editor: Will Moss
Senior Editor: Brian Cunningham
if I could describe Flash #23 in one word it would be WOW!!! I just did not Manapul and Buccellato to reveal the Reverse Flash's identity in the manner of which they did. This is a heavily action packed issue with the Flash and Reverse Flash going toe to toe. Even with Dr. Elias as a third wheel the fight does not suffer and takes a drastic turn when he is knocked out.
The writing is just good the biggest word bubble is when Iris speaks the major spoiler of the issue which you can figure out by how she acted. The Patty scenes provided a nice break from the action even if the scene itself had no emotional reaction and barely worth a chuckle. I would have rather gotten more action pages because all it did was bring in a minor character. Iris is the real focus of the issue the story is told from her perspective without any thought bubbles. Lose control so I can change everything is the Reverse Flash's main impact on the writing.
The art continues to drive the book with each splash page being awesome. The only negative thing about the art was that it made it difficult to pickup on the words "The Flash" on the title page you have to look very closely. The layouts on the splash pages are cool with the biggest splash pages being sixteen and seventeen how the images are separated it is just great. In that two page spread all the images are important leading to the climax which is a bit odd with pink energy The cover fits the issue very well.
Now with the Reverse Flash's identity known the biggest question is how did he end up that way. I just wish the his issue in Villian month had been #23.1.
10(out of 10)

Art: Manapul
Colors & Cover: Buccellato
Letterer: Carlos M. Mangual
Associate Editor: Harvey RIchards
Editor: Will Moss
Senior Editor: Brian Cunningham
if I could describe Flash #23 in one word it would be WOW!!! I just did not Manapul and Buccellato to reveal the Reverse Flash's identity in the manner of which they did. This is a heavily action packed issue with the Flash and Reverse Flash going toe to toe. Even with Dr. Elias as a third wheel the fight does not suffer and takes a drastic turn when he is knocked out.
The writing is just good the biggest word bubble is when Iris speaks the major spoiler of the issue which you can figure out by how she acted. The Patty scenes provided a nice break from the action even if the scene itself had no emotional reaction and barely worth a chuckle. I would have rather gotten more action pages because all it did was bring in a minor character. Iris is the real focus of the issue the story is told from her perspective without any thought bubbles. Lose control so I can change everything is the Reverse Flash's main impact on the writing.
The art continues to drive the book with each splash page being awesome. The only negative thing about the art was that it made it difficult to pickup on the words "The Flash" on the title page you have to look very closely. The layouts on the splash pages are cool with the biggest splash pages being sixteen and seventeen how the images are separated it is just great. In that two page spread all the images are important leading to the climax which is a bit odd with pink energy The cover fits the issue very well.
Now with the Reverse Flash's identity known the biggest question is how did he end up that way. I just wish the his issue in Villian month had been #23.1.
10(out of 10)
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox
Justice League The Flashpoint Paradox
First off its nice to get an animated movie that. is Flash centric rather than the usual Batman or Superman stuff. The main cast is unfamiliar to me as I do not watch Grey's Anatomy. C. Thomas Howell provides Professor Zoom with an excellent, deranged of voice. The facial features of Zoom, Flashpoint Batman and MIrror Master appear to be arkward.
The rest of this review may contain spoilers.
Based on the Flashpoint miniseries., the story focuses on Barry Allen/The Flash coming to terms with his mother's death when he was a kid. The Flash goes to the Flash museum to stop the Rogue which may have given us the first animated appearance of The Top. Professor Zoom shows up to cause further trouble for both sides. After The Justice League intervenes and Zoom verbally taunts Flash, Barry wakes up in a different world with no powers. Also Batman uses guns. That tells you right away this is not our Batman. it turns out that Thomas Wayne is under the cowl as the cowl and Bruce died that faithful night. Martha Wayne as The Joker is probably the most disturbing fact about Flashpoint. The thought of Bruce being alive is enough motivation for Thomas to help Barry regain his abilities and fix the timeline. After the two meet up with Cyborg the main hero of this universe and others. One of the bloodiest battles in DC animated history happens as the world is dying as Zoom further taunts the Flash as Barry realizes he created this timeline by saving his mother. it is a fascinating journey of a hero turning villain unknowingly then going back to stop his previous self to set things right.. At the end Barry finally understands his mom's advice you can not change everything, but only the things you can control right then. After all you can not save everyone.
9(out of 10)
First off its nice to get an animated movie that. is Flash centric rather than the usual Batman or Superman stuff. The main cast is unfamiliar to me as I do not watch Grey's Anatomy. C. Thomas Howell provides Professor Zoom with an excellent, deranged of voice. The facial features of Zoom, Flashpoint Batman and MIrror Master appear to be arkward.
The rest of this review may contain spoilers.
Based on the Flashpoint miniseries., the story focuses on Barry Allen/The Flash coming to terms with his mother's death when he was a kid. The Flash goes to the Flash museum to stop the Rogue which may have given us the first animated appearance of The Top. Professor Zoom shows up to cause further trouble for both sides. After The Justice League intervenes and Zoom verbally taunts Flash, Barry wakes up in a different world with no powers. Also Batman uses guns. That tells you right away this is not our Batman. it turns out that Thomas Wayne is under the cowl as the cowl and Bruce died that faithful night. Martha Wayne as The Joker is probably the most disturbing fact about Flashpoint. The thought of Bruce being alive is enough motivation for Thomas to help Barry regain his abilities and fix the timeline. After the two meet up with Cyborg the main hero of this universe and others. One of the bloodiest battles in DC animated history happens as the world is dying as Zoom further taunts the Flash as Barry realizes he created this timeline by saving his mother. it is a fascinating journey of a hero turning villain unknowingly then going back to stop his previous self to set things right.. At the end Barry finally understands his mom's advice you can not change everything, but only the things you can control right then. After all you can not save everyone.
9(out of 10)
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Flash #22

Story: Francis Manapul & Brian Buccellato
Art: Manapul
Colors: Buccellato
Additional Colors: Ian Herring
Letterer: Carlos Mangual
Associate Editor: Harvey RIchards
Editor: Will Moss
Senior Editor: Brian Cunningham
Flash #22 brings the Reverse storyline into high gear with The Flash and Reverse finally coming face to face. Also The Flash's personal life is moving inch by inch to getting more complicated. This issue provides some clues to the potential origin of the Reverse Flash.
The writing just seems to be ok with no single line standing out. When Iris says "Oh cool" to Patty Spivot you can immediately sense the disappointment in Iris as she regrets messing up her date with Barry Allen. I expected to see Patty pull Barry/Flash aside and question whether the suit he gave Iris means more. I am happy to find out The Reverse Flash and Dr. Elias seem to be two different people. Dr. Elias is already villain quality without needing a costume.
The art continues to drive this series. The splash image on page eight got me excited for the rest of the issue. The image in the upper right on page seventeen with The Flash drawn as a blur reminds me of the Flash TV season. Is the logo on the Reverse Flash suppose to be sideways? The cover has a classic feel to it and saying The Reverse Flash is a reflection or shadow of the Flash and it definitely fits the issue The background art to the action scenes is visually stunning. probably the only negative on the art is the blood in the last panel could be considered excessive. We don not see the weapons changing angles based on the previous panels. The Flash has a sense of urgency to wrap up this case as people close to him are threaten.
One line in The Flash's monologue on page eighteen gives out the possibility of The Reverse Flash not being human so that is a bit confusing I can not wait for the next issue and the great art to continue. If I had to guess the Reverse Flash is a Barry doppelganger.
10(out of 10)
9(out of 10)
Friday, July 26, 2013
Flash 17

script & cover: Francis Manapul & Brian Buccellato
Art: Manapul
Colors: Buccellato
Letterer: Carlos Mangual
Associate Editor: Chris Conroy
Editor:Matt Idelson
Flash #17 provided a solid ending to the Gorilla Warfare storyline while continuing the mystery of the new Reverse Flash. Somethings might be status quo like the rogues but Barry is about to face serious challenges as himself and the Flash.
The writing gave us a very confident Flash which I noted in issue #1 and in the end what Grodd wanted was too much for him. At one point Grodd seem to have the upper hand but that was before a scene switch. Then when they return to that scene the Flash was back on top like that panel did not happen. The Planet of the Apes references were funny. Iris was regretting how her only date with Barry went. Now major spoiler they heavily imply that Dr. Elias is the new Reverse Flash. This is disappointing in that Dr. Elias was good villian quality already he had a similar role as to how Lex Luthor was portrayed in Superman: The Animated Series. Captain Cold and the Rogues did enough to help Central City but once the illusion went down it was back to business as usual.
The art was excellent as always my favorite panels were on page four with The Flash punching and fueled with confidence. The Flash catching Iris was epic and shows the real possibility of a love triangle with Patty. The art also gives evidence of Dr. Elias becoming the Reverse Flash by how the costume forms. Who else would have access to that information.
The Flash saved the day but is he ready for what is ahead both personally and professionally. while it is strongly suggested in the writing and art that Dr. Elias will transform into the Reverse Flash the only interesting aspect is that they both have a science background. Daniel West is a far more compelling candidate for the Reverse Flash mantle.
9(out of 10)
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