Thursday, September 29, 2011

New 52 Flash 1

New 52 Flash 1

Story: Francis Manapul & Brian Buccellato

Art: Francis Manapul

Colors: Brian Buccellato

Letters: Sal Cipriano

Assistant Editor: Darren Shaw

Editor: Brian Cunningham

When you first read page one of The Flash #1 of the new 52 you can automatically tell something is a mist. Barry Allen has a different love interest in Patty Spivot. This was a great issue taking Barry in a whole new direction.

When Barry first gets into costume he appears more cocky and aggressive than ever before in tackling this new threat which is the beginning of a mystery involving a childhood friend. I do not recall Barry being that physical in combat. Another plus is that Iris West is looking to be a key supporting figure by being a good investigative reporter by always asking Barry questions about his day job. However this current Barry Allen and Iris West relationship leads to one big question regarding the new 52. How do they explain Kid Flash either Wally or Bart? The mysterious woman poping up is very intriguing. it is hard to speculate what her purpose will be going forward.

The art is fantastic with Manapul and Buccellato being from the previous Flash series it is what I am used to seeing in this book. The nitpick I have is when you compare Barry's transformation in the interior art and what is on the variant cover there is no chin strap pieced emerging in the interior. The design of the title page and how the credits are done look amazing. I do not think I have ever seen that before.

The story is fresh and new for Barry. It is just hard to see based on this first issue why Barry and Iris had to be separated after Flashpoint. Hopefully as the story develops Patty proves useful in a way Iris can't. After reading this I am tempted to go buy Superman to see if Clark-Lois have a similar relationship to Barry-Iris. Also Teen TItans in hopes of Kid Flash origin being explained.

9 (out of 10)

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